Thursday, October 24, 2019


We read a book where Bear wanted desperately to know what the moon tasted like. His plan was to travel to the moon and make himself a moon cake to eat. 

Our group decided to imagine what a moon cake would look like and taste like. The children imagined how they would travel to the moon and talked about their rockets, They thought they should make their own rockets as well.

Some children thought that mooncakes would taste like banana or apple flavour. In addition, one child replied that it could taste like strawberries and peaches.

In this book, we talked about how the bear tried to eat a moon cake. We gathered ideas about how to reach the moon and how the moon would taste when we get there. 
Mikayla said she would ride an Apple-shaped rocket, and Rachel would use a banana-shaped rocket.  
Children's imagination is endless and very creative. This book touched on many curiosities we have about our planet and our moon. Some things we can see and we know what things feel like or taste like, and other things we can only guess and imagine what it could be like. This book brought out questions for all of us. The discussions our group had broadened our sense of self as well as enriched our sense of environment. 

The children want to learn about the universe and where the moon lives next. At that time they will have more time to draw out their ideas about the neighbourhood of mooncakes.

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