Monday, February 11, 2019

More delicious and happier (Feb 6th)

More delicious and happier :)

Everyone tries to eat healthy every day. Maple group talked about how our appetite and emotions can be affected by the appearance of our food.

I showed the children plain cookies and they did not think it was very appetizing. They all preferred cookies with decorations.

Next, the children made their own pretend food with playdough and put various decorations on it.

On the second and third day, the Maple group baked cookies and decorated them! Each of them chose the shapes they liked and decorated the cookies with icing and sprinkles.
Ellen said she wanted to share the cookies with her mom and daddy.
Gwen said she felt happy and fun, and wanted to share with her mom.
Lina said she’s happy and wanted to share with her mom and brother.
Mikayla said when she decorated the cookies she was happy.
Emma said she made a duck shaped cookie because she really likes ducks.

The children had fun learning about different colours, shapes and design. And they were super proud of what they came up with.