Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How children want to decorate their space.

Where do we spend a long time during the day?
We thought the first place we wanted to decorate in the house
or our bedroom.
Each person talked about how they would like to decorate and
what they would decorate.

Elly: If you decorate your room, what color will you choose?
Will you have wallpaper? What shapes would it have?
With the exception of 2 children, most of Maple group wanted
to paint their wallpaper purple. And then they stamped wallpaper patterns
on wallpaper.

I supported the children to tell stories about their lives outside of Creative Minds.
I encouraged them to talk to our group about how they’ve decorated
their own room at home. I prepared small boxes for decorating houses and rooms,
and paper for wallpaper. We stamped and painted in various ways.
 When they finished, I asked them to show us their work.

Angelina wanted to decorate her house with photos, Ellen said
her’s needed a rainbow and a spider web, Gwen said a dress and a rainbow,
Emma said a flat slide, Kaitlyn said pink and a rainbow, Jayce said
a water picture, Lina said 4 slimes, Mikayla said some pictures and houses.

The children noticed how they decorated their own craft space and
thought they would like to put in their real home.
This activity helped them connect with one another, tell a story and
create their own wallpaper for decorating. It was nice to see
them make choices for their personal spaces and take care in making
the space enjoyable to be in.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

decoration around us/ Jan 09,2019

Decoration around us  

There are many different decorations around us. I asked the children
 what they think decoration is and why they think so.
Elly: (pointing to)what is the decoration?

Gwen: That's a decoration. It's beautiful.
Angelina: That’s not a decoration. It's not like that.

To help the children understand that we have different perspectives,
I prepared pieces of tissue paper in different colors. I asked the children to pick a color and glue the colored pieces onto a circle drawn on a piece of white paper. When they finished,
I ask them to describe a feeling from the colors they chose.

Emma felt brown is tired. Gwen said purple feels sad but Ellen disagreed and said purple is happy.
For Kaitlyn, pink makes her happy and for Aegon, Mikayla, and Angelina it is the color blue.

The children noticed how they feel about a color might differ from someone else.
This activity has helped them learn a little more about each other and
the different/similar perspectives they have with colors.